Sunday, 13 April 2014


Where is the respect?

I understand it's very difficult to be original these days with so many logos already trademarked. However what I don't understand is the lack of respect big corporations have for faith groups or anyone other than themselves to be honest. Cavalli needs to at least acknowledge the similarity instead of ignoring my own and others effected by their campaign which has been running for a while.

I understand it is of great 'inconvenience' to re market and re stock a brand who's products already exist in mass quantities around the world and is familiar to the eye however the point is RESPECT. I would expect as a customer that Cavalli takes responsibility for their actions as they turn over a nice profit each year. I would have assumed they conduct careful market research before re-launching their logo, surely they have the resources and staff. Nevertheless whether they knew or not is not the point as it is already public, the question is what's next?

How likely am I to want to buy a product from them when they have not publicly acknowledged their wrongdoing?

Biology Student
Fashion enthusiast, shopper
and disappointed blogger


  1. Mr.Cavalli I just want you to know that after all this you have truly lost a lot of your customers with this ignorant behavior

    1. Well said my dear Ghoncheh, I wonder how well Mr. Cavalli can read the English language? How can we translate this word to Italian for him?
      a breach or infraction, as of a law, right, or obligation; violation; transgression.

  2. Mais c'est pas possible ça, comment les gens disent qu'il resemble pas ?!!!
    Un plagiat est une copie d'une partie ou toute l'idée de l'oeuvre, Cavali a pris notre idée tel quel , il a commencé par les deux C comme Chanel , ca la pas plu il voulait une belle finition ila pri le notre c'est tout ...
    Maintenant allant au concrét , je suis contre cette utilisation, soyez créatif chercher un peu vous allez y arriver mais vous n'avez pas le droit d'utiliser notre LOGO

  3. I agree with you ghontcheh, I commented on several video of JUST on Youtube, I commented 2 times its official blog JUST and they deleted my comments this is not normal, I guess he wants not that its customers know , that's why they removed my comments.
